Friday, June 18, 2010

Jori Turns 4!!

Today our sweet Jori girl turned 4! Last night I told her that I was so sad that it was the last time I would be hugging my three year old girl. She said "I will wake up, then go back to sleep, then wake up again in the morning". Why?? So that she would still be 3 the first time she woke up, just for me! Love her so.

This morning the kids had their last day of VBS. They didn't have a program, but I did take some video during their regular singing time.

This first video is of Jori. That's my girl!

Here is sweet Tyson singing "Ancient Words". I love this song. At the end he is looking around for his sweet sis who seems to have disappeared.

When we got home I asked her why she was sitting and not singing and she said "You weren't taking pictures of me." Is that a typical girl answer or what??

They had a lot of fun at VBS. I am guessing it won't be the only time they attend this summer : )
Today they had ice cream sundaes to celebrate the end up VBS, so both kids ended up having sundaes for lunch on their birthdays.

It is very hot and humid out today, so this afternoon we watched Monsters vs Aliens, from Teo and Avery. Even I didn't mind watching it, so I give it a thumbs up. Tyson and Jori were laughing a lot too.

After Darin got home it was PRESENT TIME. Jori was pretty excited that it was finally her birthday and her time to get a gift.

It's funny how she set the Leapster aside really quickly, but then once she realized it wasn't Tyson's she was a little more excited about it!

For dinner, Jori chose Frosted Flakes. Yes, she chose cereal as her birthday meal. She was thrilled. Since dinner, she's been playing her new Backyardigans game on her new Leapster. Tyson is playing his Leapster as well, so it is actually pretty quiet in the house. Every once in a while I hear one of them shout out "I got 2 right" or "It's a Yeti!"

It is just 6, so we have a couple more hours to celebrate our girl before bedtime.

Jori DiAnn, we love you so very much and are thankful to have such a lovely 4 year old living in our home.

1 comment:

retha said...

All that open space must have been a wonderful birthday party(ies)
Remarkable how the days- measured by our children- go by. Although one can't hug photo's and video's it at least give us a something of the time.