Monday, August 23, 2010

Swimming-Round 2

Tyson and Jori are taking round two of swimming lessons. This time, instead of being in a class of 5 or 6 kids, they are in a class of one. Yep, we are doing private lessons, and I couldn't be happier about it! Their teacher, Miss Courtney is on the Jenison Public swim team. She is so kind and patient and is actually teaching my kids to swim! It is amazing what a little one on one attention will do! Surprisingly, these private lessons cost the same, if not a little less, than the lessons through Hudsonville Public did. Each kid gets a 45 minute swim lesson for 5 days. These videos were taken on day 2 of lessons. Enjoy!

Here are a couple of Tyson swimming and jumping off the diving board. We are SO proud of him!

A couple of Jori. I am amazed she doesn't swallow the whole pool with the amount of talking she does!

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