Tuesday, January 20, 2009

New Week

It's Tuesday afternoon. I am still in my pjs and the kids are all bathed and in clean jammies. It's just one of those days. Ok, most weeks have a few of "those days". Oh well. It is sunny here in Michigan, but still so cold. I am eagerly looking forward to Thursday when the temp is supposed to be in the high 20's or low 30's. I figure then, even with the windchill, Tyson and Jori can be outside for a while without risk of frostbite! They definitely could use the fresh air.

Potty training is still not going anywhere, although we had to buy a different brand of diapers last night and Jori said "I no like these diapers". So today she is back in a pull-up. I know, the inconsistency is probably just making things harder, but at this point, I don't care that she's not potty trained so whatever.

Tyson has developed a huge love of words. He loves to spell words on his "computer" and one of his favorite things is spelling words with his daddy at bedtime. Dentist and tornado are two of the words he can sound out. I am trying to encourage him to love reading as well. I wrote him a little story, which had the word 'snot' in it. That really got his interest. He is all boy.

We have been spending lots and lots of time at home. I don't want to be out driving on the yucky roads or going out in the cold, so a trip to the mall or McDonald's is really not that appealing to me. I am going to have to suck it up and just go, because it is only January. There is still a lot of winter left.


Tami Vroma said...

Hi Jonna,
I was surfing around and came across your blog. I loved your profile paragraph. I too love the Lord and I think we all falter at showing it! Especially when your scared. I don't admit to many people, because I am known as the eternal optimist, but I am scared. I am a realtor at the worst time in the world.
I read about your potty training. I used to live in Hudsonville, across from Alward elementary, and I ran a daycare for 12 years and potty trained more kids than I can tell you. Take this advise for what it is worth. If they aren't three (especially if they are a boy) don't do it. They don't understand it and their bodies are not always capable of it. It is more headache than what it is worth. They just "get it" at around three. The other thing to do is wait till summer when you can have them outside. Put them in regular panties so they feel the wet. The pull up and padded underwear don't make it uncomfortable for them. I hope this helps and I will say a prayer for you!

Anonymous said...

hey Jonna,
I read your post today of yesterday. We are definitely having one of those weeks too where jammies are worn all day! Funny, because we did the same thing yesterday! And like you, I stay cooped up in the house because of the crappy weather. But we had that nice weather yesterday and the girls loved playing outside for over an hour! It was so nice! Maybe today will be the same after Brooklynn is home from school! Hope you have a good day! Will have to try and call soon.

Anonymous said...

Jonna and Darin -- I haven't read your blog for several weeks and enjoyed catching up a little this morning... this one gets the response, because I think there are some Kane-Miller books that Tyson would LOVE!! "The Gas We Pass" was a hit with our whole family. "Everyone Poops" is another of their best sellers... and then there is "The Holes in Your Nose." Maybe worth checking out..... You can order them on your website!
